Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sharing is Caring

When it comes to drugs in the UAE, sharing is actually a very important thing. As a user, you are fully expected to share all of what you have with all the other users that you know, and if you are in posession and fail to share upon request, you are marked as untrustworthy and greedy. This means that whenever you have something, you must share it with the other users that you know, and when asked for it by another user, you must never say no if you have it, because if they do find out that you had and refused to give them any, you can forget about any future deals with that person or any of their friends.

This way it is ensured that the 'system' keeps flowing and everyone has something with them at all times. When you are asked for a drug by another user, it is really more like an investment. I give you today, you give me tommorow. This is very useful when you run out, because then you can call upon all of the people with whom you have shared, and they cannot say no, because otherwise they would risk losing all of their connections and the trust that they have worked so hard to build.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Probably the most popular drug in the UAE. The drug Tramadol has many names and the pills come in many different forms, many different dosages; but they all share one thing in common: they all contain Tramadol, and it doesn't show up in any blood tests.

Users have two ways of getting Tramadol, either by going to a doctor and making up a very good story to get the doctor to prescribe it to them, in which case they can buy 40 pills for about 70Dhs., or if they fail at this, they can buy it off the market for about 250Dhs. per 10 pills.

People will usually buy 'Iranian Tramal' from the market for about 100-200Dhs. per 10 pills because it usually has a significantly stronger effect on the user.

The effect that the user experiences is usually one of numbness, happiness, and a heightened sense of social skills.

How can you tell if someone is taking Tramadol? Well, taking too much tramdol will result in a black colour under the eyes. Also, too much Tramadol will cause the user to appear 'sleepy. Additionally, Tramadol users begin itching quite often in specific places: between the chest and the stomach, the sides of the ribs (under the armpits), and the lower back.

When a frequent user is cut off from Tramal for a day or more, they are most often overcome with an uncontrollable urge to sleep. This can be thought of as a sort of 'hangover' from Tramadol. The user is usually seen to be 'dosing off' for a day or two after they have been cut off from Tramadol.

The different types of drugs

There are three main different types of drugs that you can get, heroine, pills and hash. The most popular of the three being pills for various reasons, and the least popular being hash.

There are many different types of pills taken by drug users in the UAE. Pills are the most popular form of drug because most cannot be traced in the bloodstream so even if you get caught, it cannot be traced in your bloodstream so you cannot be charged with a crime, as long as you don't confess to taking anything.

Some of the most popular ones:-

  • Tramal/Tramadol
  • Xanax
  • Roche 2/Roche 6
  • Artine
  • Revotril

The second most popular and probably the strongest drug that you can buy. The price for heroine in national; it never changes. 1 gram for 500Dhs, 20 grams for 5000Dhs. There are three types of Heroine: Brown (most common), White (pure heroine) and Black heroine. Depending on what's been mixed with the Heroine, it will stay in your bloodstream for about 4-7 days.

One of the more 'fun' drugs and usually considered a 'recreational' drug. However, it is the least popular drug and least common drug for two main reasons. It's effect will only last around 3 hours, making it unworthy of the high risk. And secondly, it can stay in the bloodstream for up to 30-40 days, meaning that any drug test that you take during this time will show up with Morphine and Codeine, the main chemicals that make up hash.

Drug abuse in the UAE

Most people do not understand drugs in the UAE and it is a world only opened by invitation. In the UAE, the way to obtain drugs is nowhere near the same as in other countries. In most countries, when someone starts taking drugs, the person is usually a teenager and simply responding to peer pressure. Additionally, in most countries, drug abuse is treated with nothing near the severity that it is treated with in the UAE. Unlike most countries, you have to want drugs to get them - no one is simply going to invite you, there is no such thing as peer pressure when it comes to drugs in the UAE simply, because everyone keeps it a secret.

You have to know all the right people, you have to have a car, you have to have money, and above all, you have to earn trust. The stronger the drug, the more people you need to know, the more money you need to have, and the more trust you need to have gained in order to get what you want.